Fuel poverty affects more than 4.5 million households in UK and more than 25,000 households in Norfolk. It can be caused by numerous factors: low income, poor heating and insulation and unaffordable energy prices. It can severely impact on health and wellbeing and contributes to excess winter deaths and rising NHS costs. Click here for more information on fuel poverty
British Gas Energy Trust
Community Action Norfolk has been received more than £377,000 from British Gas Energy Trust’s Healthy Home Fund to support its work on fuel poverty in Norfolk. This will support the Warm and Well campaign, in partnership with Public Health, local authorities, CCGs and the voluntary sector, in developing a range of solutions for fuel poverty and staying warm in winter. It will help provide additional support for home improvements for the most vulnerable, identify technologies which may support those in fuel poverty and improve health, provide training for hundreds of frontline staff and help to integrate work from across the county and in all sectors.
The funding will run throughout 2016.
Big Energy Saving Network and Energy Best Deal
We’ve secured additional funding from the Big Energy Saving Network and Energy Best Deal campaigns to provide training to consumers and local groups across Norfolk – helping people to understand the health risks presented by a cold home, save energy and save money through switching suppliers and claiming benefits. For information on how to arrange a session for your group call or e-mail.
Big Switch and Save
We support the collective switching of electricity supplier through the Big Switch and Save across Norfolk.
Click here for more information
ThinkingFuel oil bulk buying
Our popular community oil bulk buying scheme now has more than 3,000 members and provides genuine savings.