VCSE Engage is here to support effective communication, representation, collaboration and involvement in the County Council’s decision making by Norfolk’s voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.
VCSE organisations are significant providers of services across Norfolk. Many of them want to know about what is happening at county level but don’t have the time or capacity to be closely involved or attend lots of meetings. Some are not involved and aren’t perhaps directly interested in the activities of Norfolk County Council but their own work might be impacted upon by County Council decisions. The idea of VCS Engage is to make sure there is transparency, effective co-ordination and sharing of knowledge and expertise between the County Council and VCSE groups, to obtain the best possible outcomes for the residents of Norfolk.
We are engaging with the sector constantly and continuously. We ran workshops across the county, followed by extensive and detailed one-to-one interviews with representatives of VCSE organisations, to investigate the main challenges we are all facing. The idea was to discover what issues concerned people, and what they’d like to see change and improve for the future - and we are continuing this on-going engagement with the sector .
These activities have fed into the Sector Led Plan – a picture of the VCSE sector in Norfolk and a statement of shared priorities and vision for the future. The Plan is a pro-active evidence base, providing a clear platform for identifying and addressing areas of concern for the VCSE sector.
A feeling of uncertainty and vulnerability is ever-present but does not lessen people’s commitment to their specialist work – and we intend to take the results of the Sector Led Plan forward in a positive and constructive way.
With the public and VCSE sectors both feeling the effects of austerity, it’s more important than ever that there is genuine dialogue and partnership between the two so that we can support the best possible outcomes for all Norfolk’s communities.
We’ll keep you updated with the results but if you have any comments or questions about the Sector Led Plan or VCS Engage e-mail