The CAN Connect service is led by Community Action Norfolk and is part of a range of services across Norfolk aimed at reducing loneliness and isola
Community Led Housing is commonly used to describe homes that are developed and/or managed by local people or residents, in not for profit organisational structures. There are a range of models that can be adopted including self-help housing, Co-housing, co-operatives and tenant controlled housing, Community Land Trusts (CLTs).
Fuel poverty affects more than 4.5 million households in UK and more than 25,000 households in Norfolk. It can be caused by numerous factors: low income, poor heating and insulation and unaffordable energy prices. It can severely impact on health and wellbeing and contributes to excess winter deaths and rising NHS costs.
Assets come in many guises, land, buildings, people, skills, income. At Community Action Norfolk we understand how important your assets are and the need to get the most from them.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received from the NHS, the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service can help. The complaints process is a way of helping you resolve issues you have faced, and is also important in helping us improve the NHS care in Norfolk.
Working with other groups and organisations can bring huge benefits to all involved. The development and management of these relationships can also sometimes bring its own challenges! Community Action Norfolk can work through these alongside you.
Community Action Norfolk runs a Peer Support Network to help community groups across Norfolk.
Community Action Norfolk provides regular training to help you carry out regular checks. The training will take you through the relevant legislation, show you what is covered in an annual inspection and help you to identify common issues and problems.
Strategic planning is an important tool to help improve your effectiveness as an organisation. It can be particularly useful at times of uncertainty and change, whether internal or external. We can help you develop yours.
We can help you get the nuts and bolts of your operations working well as well as making sure you are operating safely and legally.
Community Action Norfolk offer a range of training and support packages to suit the diverse organisations in Norfolk’s voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.
ThinkingWISP gives you fast, local broadband – No landline required. As it’s wireless, you could benefit even if your current internet is slow because of where you live.
The Relief Charity Housing Project seeks to support charities with land assets looking at housing development, community use, land swap or Community Land Trusts (CLTs).
The Relief Charity Support Project seeks to provide support and advice to a group of charities which are among the oldest in the country.
VCSE Engage is here to support effective communication, representation, collaboration and involvement in the County Council’s decision making by Norfolk’s voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.
Community Action Norfolk offers a range of support services for your forum or network, including administrative support, planning and communications.
Rural Impact Assessment is the vital process of ensuring equally effective outcomes for communities, businesses and individuals in the design and delivery of services for rural areas.
Project development is a critical step in turning your ideas into reality. Community Action Norfolk can you help succeed in your goals and avoid some of the pitfalls along the way.
Many groups have told us that they don’t know who to talk to in the public sector or in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Partner Exchange can help.
Good governance is vital. It comes from having a structure that lets you make effective decisions, in an organised and accountable way and positively influences how you are perceived by others.
Funding is the key issue highlighted by groups. Community Action Norfolk offers a range of support to help you access the funding you need.
Effective consultation and engagement can help make sure your organisation, project or plan will meet the needs of those you are aiming to help. Community Action Norfolk offers bespoke consultation support and advice.
Community Action Norfolk is pleased to offer the ideal venue for your event with flexible options to accommodate a wide range of meetings, training sessions, workshops or conferences.