
Managing Your Resources

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Assets come in many guises, land, buildings, people, skills, income.  At Community Action Norfolk we understand how important your assets are and the need to get the most from them.

We can advise and support you to manage and improve existing assets, develop new ones and maximise your income where necessary.  Just some examples of support include:

  • We can support individual charites with land and endowment assets through our Relief Charity Support Programme or help you to develop land assets and realise new funding through affordable housing and other building projects.
  • We can help you to develop existing properties through funding support, advice on developing new enterprises such as community shops or social clubs or using renewable energy to reduce costs or to develop a larger community owned  asset.
  • Help to understanding the Localism Act (2013) and your rights as a community to build, bid, challenge, reclaim land  or register assets.
  • Accessing services provided  by Community Action Norfolk designed to help communities reduce overall expenditure through bulk buying of fuel and other products or accessing Wi-Fi in rural areas wirelessly through ThinkingWISP
  • Providing training to maximise your skills and understanding and to enhance the greatest asset of all - you

Want to know more about how we can develop your communities assets? Contact us today

