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Worried about energy costs? Here’s how to be in the know

We’re delivering free advice and awareness sessions for consumers, where you can find out how to be more energy efficient by making small changes in the home, and where you can get additional support.  

Winter Fuel Payment withdrawal - what you need to know

From winter 2024/2025, households in England and Wales will no longer be entitled to the Winter Fuel Payment unless they receive Pension Credit or certain other means-tested benefits. 

Shining a light on loneliness

Loneliness is something most people feel at some point. It can happen when we're alone in a busy place or even when we're by ourselves. It affects everyone, no matter who they are or where they live. But even though many people feel lonely, it's still hard for some to admit it or do something about it. 

A banking blackout for charities? Why a collective voice is important

Nationally it appears that tighter banking restrictions coupled with a sustained period of financial inactivity due to the pandemic has led to a change in banking practice in relation to charity banking services provided to VCSE groups and organisations. 

Love Every Drop

CAN has had a long association with Anglian Water, taking their message out into the community and raising awareness of the importance of a commodity that none of us can afford to take for granted any longer. 

You may ask why we do this, and the answer is simple. We are all about community, and our ethos is about working to achieve the best outcomes for the people who live and work in communities across Norfolk.

We all, without exception, use and depend on the easy availability of water but the stark reality is that we need to use less of it!

'Love Every Drop' - reducing water usage to protect out futures

Anglian Water is asking us all to use less water – and for very good reasons. All of us, as consumers, can play our part.

CANConnect - Combating social isolation and loneliness in Breckland and North Norfolk

CAN is working in partnership with Future Projects in combating social isolation in the Breckland and North Norfolk districts of the county.  We'd be grateful if those reading this and living or working in Breckland or North Norfolk could share this information - especially to anyone you know who may be interested in volunteering. Thank you.

The Desert Rats Association - finding funding for commemoration

The Desert Rats Association is raising money to build a new memorial to the men and women who have served in the division from 1940 to the modern day. To do that they needed funding, and lead fundraiser Beverley Cooper - a campaigner and fundraiser of many years’ experience and standing -turned to CAN for further advice and direction. 

Mental health Awareness and wellbeing in the VCSE workplace

It’s Mental health Awareness Week this week, 10th – 16th May, which is a good time to reflect on the importance of wellbeing in the workplace. 

Looking for work during and after COVID

The VCSE sector has inevitably suffered its share of cutbacks during the pandemic in terms of loss of income and consequent pressure on staffing levels. But there’s hope – and support – for those having to seek fresh fields in 2021. If you, your colleagues or your service users are having to find new employment there are avenues of help available. 


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