This week, from the 24th to the 28th of June, we are proudly celebrating Small Charity Week, marking our ninth year of honouring the incredible work done by small charities.
Volunteers managing England’s 10,000+ rural community halls are being encouraged to ‘go green’ as part of the nationwide campaign which begins with a focus on what can be done to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.
The Norfolk Small Charities Showcase 2023 is the chance to show off many of the hidden secrets of Norfolk's voluntary and community sector in a high profile public event designed to support them in recruiting volunteers, finance and support, whilst raising awareness of what they do and how they help their local communities.
CAN is working in partnership with Future Projects in combating social isolation in the Breckland and North Norfolk districts of the county. We'd be grateful if those reading this and living or working in Breckland or North Norfolk could share this information - especially to anyone you know who may be interested in volunteering. Thank you.
Cromer & District Foodbank has been up and running since 2012, so dealing with people’s individual crises is not new to the team, and they were well-experienced and equipped to deal with Covid-19 when it hit.
Connecting Bowthorpe is a collective of community volunteers from several organisations within Bowthorpe, all with extensive experience of community work and a real vision for the area, and with a long-term commitment to the residents of Bowthorpe.
Role Description: The role requires the Fundraiser to identify suitable funding streams that will support the work of HOPE in meeting its objectives. As Fundraiser you will use your expertise and networks to complete funding submissions, monitoring and end of grant reports. This role underpins the work of the charity and is critical to supporting vulnerable people through the trauma of suicide loss.
Many mutual aid groups and Good Neighbour Schemes are even more active in the final run-up to Christmas. Just one example is Thorpe Helping Hands, operating across south-east Norwich.
Every VCSE organisation has a duty to safeguard volunteers, staff members, participants and donors, and to have appropriate and proportionate policies and procedures in place. Likewise, staff and volunteers themselves need to aware be aware of their individual responsibilities to themselves and to their clients, service users and hirers.