Community Action Norfolk is a leading charity working to build a stronger and fairer Norfolk. We work with over 500 organisations directly a year with links to over 5,000 organisations, volunteers and community champions.
Community Action Norfolk is the leading organisation for engagement with the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Norfolk. We work closely with VCSE organisations and other partners to build the positive relationships needed to collaboratively develop strategy, policy and services.
We provide practical support to VCSE organisations, and aim to be their first port of call for support to achieve their goals from helping to find funding and running an organisation, to engaging your community and strategic planning.
We live in a large rural county that for many is an excellent place to live and work but when things go wrong they hit the most vulnerable in our communities the hardest. As we work with partners to find solutions to the challenges we face our goal is to ensure fair outcomes for everyone regardless of where they live or who they are.
Find out about the main areas of our work under ‘What We Do’ or jump to a list of all our Projects and Services.
Norfolk’s VCSE sector is large and diverse. Have a look at ‘Who We Help’ to see what we offer to different types of organisation.
We believe in being as transparent as possible so we’ll put as much information as we can, freely accessible, online. 'Latest Updates' are where you will find most of it.
Our 'Resources' section is where to find guides, toolkits, policy papers and other, well, resources! Some are freely available others are exclusive to our members.
If you get stuck, give us a call!