We’re delivering free advice and awareness sessions for consumers, where you can find out how to be more energy efficient by making small changes in the home, and where you can get additional support.
Nationally it appears that tighter banking restrictions coupled with a sustained period of financial inactivity due to the pandemic has led to a change in banking practice in relation to charity banking services provided to VCSE groups and organisations.
The VCSE sector has inevitably suffered its share of cutbacks during the pandemic in terms of loss of income and consequent pressure on staffing levels. But there’s hope – and support – for those having to seek fresh fields in 2021. If you, your colleagues or your service users are having to find new employment there are avenues of help available.
The Feed is a not-for-profit social enterprise providing catering services, with a very clear mission to prevent poverty, hunger and homelessness in Norwich.
With income under threat from all sides, perhaps it is time to look at all the potential sources of income for charities. So as fundraising income is depressed - in some cases possibly for years - how can VCSE organisations make up for the loss in income?
Many of you reading this will know about ThinkingFuel, our collective heating oil buying scheme. And you’ll know that the aim is to help support householders across Norfolk who depend on heating oil to heat their homes, and for whom the unregulated cost of heating oil is a constant worry.
Here at CAN we work closely with Anglian Water on their ‘Love Every Drop’ water conservation campaign. It’s essential to making our communities in Norfolk sustainable for the future. https://www.waterwise.org.uk/As part of this, Waterwise, the national body that promotes water saving good practice, is asking everyone to sign up to their ‘Save 2021 litres in 2021’ pledge.
Action Fraud, the Charity Commission and the Fundraising Regulator are warning the public to remain vigilant when making charitable donations this Christmas. Whilst the warning is directed to the giving public, it’s important for VCSE organisations themselves to understand the implications of potential impersonation fraud.