
Covid-19 Updates

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Click here to read information on the status of Community Action Norfolk's Services. As well as links to other information and advice
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Updated guidance: COVID ‘Road Map’ advice relating to village halls and community buildings

ACRE has issued new information to help village and community halls get to grips with the latest announcements about the lifting of national lockdown restrictions. 

Charging for services – tackling the income shortfall

With income under threat from all sides, perhaps it is time to look at all the potential sources of income for charities. So as fundraising income is depressed - in some cases possibly for years - how can VCSE organisations make up for the loss in income?

Norfolk Assistance Scheme support for the digitally excluded

Reconditioned laptops, access to wifi, broadband dongles are just some of the items being distributed to families like you unable to access the internet during the Coronavirus pandemic

Covid Reports and Case Studies

This is part of our Covid-19 guidance. To view the main guidance page please click here. This page is being regularly updated however the situation continues to change and in all cases please defer to official government guidance.

Support for VCSE organisations during Covid-19

This is part of our Covid-19 guidance. To view the main guidance page please click here. This page is being regularly updated however the situation continues to change and in all cases please defer to official government guidance.

Latest Lock Down Restrictions

The latest government guidance has been published

Covid Guidance for Norwich

As leaders and members of the city’s resident, community, faith and voluntary groups we’re very aware of the trusted place you hold for Norwich residents and we’d like you ask for your help in ensuring that, as cases here increase, people have access to the right information and support to keep them safe.

Arts and culture in Norfolk – sector resilience and COVID-19

The Arts and Culture sector is an important element in the VCSE fraternity, in the context of community engagement and outreach, and addressing local health issues such as social isolation and loneliness. Natalie Jode, Executive Director at Creative Arts East, has seen the impact of the pandemic on operational capability and capacity across the county.

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