Our briefing notes and guides are designed to help you understand what’s going on, who is doing what and how things fit together. We will try and cover key emerging issues for the sector, structures and organisational changes as well as general policy and strategy information.
Part of our work is to maintain and deliver against a strong evidence base as to the nature needs and issues of Norfolk’s voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. The sector led plan and associated action plan is the main element of this work. This also contains key information about the VCSE Engage programme to support effective communication, representation, collaboration and involvement with Norfolk’s VCSE sector.
The knowledge base is a collection of resources that we think are useful to share but don’t necessarily fit within other sections. Contents will range from useful places to find information, answers to particular questions that we’ve been asked that don’t particular fit another category.
Rural issues are a core part of what we do and vitally important to building a stronger and fairer Norfolk in what is a large rural county. This section contains information on Norfolk’s rural challenge, key issues and how we can overcome them.
This section focuses on materials aimed at helping you develop your organisation or project. This will be a member’s only resource once complete – click here to find out more about joining Community Action Norfolk. It concentrates on subjects from identifying needs and engaging with your community and volunteers, to planning your operations, finances and funding and how you evaluate and continually improve what you do.