Please be aware that this article is quite dated, and situations have changed. The VCSE Sector Leadership Group has now been replaced by the Leaders Voice Network, you can read more about the Leaders Voice Network here.
The VCSE Sector Leadership Group provides a mechanism for the VCSE to engage in wider system leadership conversations as well as further the sector’s collective agenda. Sector leadership is leadership that operates across local systems rather than within institutions. Much system leadership work focuses on trying to achieve the two key priorities of integration and prevention.
The overarching purpose of the group is to ensure the VCSE sector in Norfolk is able to engage effectively in wider system leadership conversations within the county and, where appropriate, the region. The group also oversees progress on the key actions from the Sector-Led Plan. The group will:
- Bring together a broad range of views and expertise from across the VCSE sector.
- Create an appropriate interface for the VCSE in wider system leadership conversations.
- Provide links into VCSE networks within key areas.
- Be seen as legitimate to lead on this by the VCSE sector and other key stakeholders.
- Mandate VCSE representatives and provide a line of accountability and communication to the wider sector.
Current membership of the group is:
- Emily Balsdon (appointed by Norfolk Community Advice Network)
- Judith Bell (elected)
- Daniel Childerhouse (elected)
- Jonathan Clemo (appointed by Community Action Norfolk as one of the “Working Together” (VCSE Engage partners)
- Rachel Cowdry (elected)
- Claire Cullens (appointed by Norfolk Community Foundation)
- Philip Eke (appointed by Norfolk's Mental Heath Providers Forum)
- Alan Hopley (appointed by Voluntary Norfolk as one of the “Working Together” (VCSE Engag partners)
- Hilary MacDonald / Dan Skipper (appointed by Norfolk's Older Persons' Strategic Partnership and Age UK Norfolk/Norwich) Ed Maxfield (elected)
- Dan Mobbs (appointed by the Voluntary Sector Forum (Children & Young People))
- Ben Reed (appointed by Equal Lives) Daniel Williams (elected) Natalie Jode (appointed by Norfolk Arts Forum)
For more information about the group's members, take a look at their profiles here.