A number of agencies have shared advice on how to manage staff and volunteers in relation to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Given the evolving nature of the Coronavirus situation, we will update this page as new advice and information emerges.
ACAS' information is particularly useful for employers whose staff may need to self-isolate in response to government guidance. Employees may be concerned about arrangements for sick pay particularly if they need to self-isolate in line with current government and NHS guidance.
General advice and information from central government can be found here and commonly asked questions are answered by the NHS here.
Public Health England offers specific sector advice and information for Health, Transport, Education, Employers and Social Care - with additional information about how to self-isolate here.
NCVO's 'Your Organisation and Coronavirus' has collated advice and information particularly useful for the VCSE sector, covering:
NAVCA member Voluntary Action Sheffield (VAS) has published helpful advice outlining the steps they are taking to minimise the spread of the virus in their building, which may be useful in helping you prepare your own action plan.
Community transport associations and car schemes may find guidance for transport services of especial help.
Finally, attached to is a very helpful toolkit from the Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Groups.