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The Role of Rural Housing Enablers

The UK housing crisis has a continued presence in our headlines, and rural communities are among those feeling the strain the most. These rural areas are facing a growing affordability gap, leaving many residents struggling to find suitable housing. Our Rural Housing Enabler (RHE) Ollie Brice plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges by promoting and developing affordable housing in areas where it’s needed most.  

A Design Guide: Building Tomorrow's Rural Communities

English Rural Housing Association, in collaboration with a panel of rural experts and advocates, has launched a groundbreaking initiative aimed at transforming the perception of affordable rural housing. The publication, titled 'A Design Guide: Building Tomorrow's Rural Communities', was officially released on Friday, 5th July  as part of Rural Housing Week 2024.

Introducing CAN's New Rural Housing Enabler

In an effort to uplift rural areas and assist local communities, the government has initiated the Unleashing Rural Opportunity Strategy. As a part of this strategy, a network of Rural Housing Enablers (RHEs) have been appointed across England where a need to support the provision of rural homes through Rural Exception Sites. The Rural Housing Enablers will be in post until March 2025 to address the critical need for affordable housing in rural England.

Without affordable housing, rural communities are at risk of becoming lifeless, dormitory settlements

Our partners at ACRE have shared this press release (below) about growing concerns over the lack of new housing in rural communities – and it makes for interesting reading.

ThinkingFuel: buying heating oil collectively – and helping the community at the same time

Many of you reading this will know about ThinkingFuel, our collective heating oil buying scheme. And you’ll know that the aim is to help support householders across Norfolk who depend on heating oil to heat their homes, and for whom the unregulated cost of heating oil is a constant worry.  

Take the pledge! Save 2,021 litres of water of water in 2021

Here at CAN we work closely with Anglian Water on their ‘Love Every Drop’ water conservation campaign. It’s essential to making our communities in Norfolk sustainable for the future.  https://www.waterwise.org.uk/As part of this, Waterwise, the national body that promotes water saving good practice, is asking everyone to sign up to their ‘Save 2021 litres in 2021’ pledge. 

The Benjamin Foundation: supporting young people through life – and Covid

The Benjamin Foundation is well known across Norfolk and Suffolk for its sterling work in bringing hope, opportunity, stability and independence to children, young people and families experiencing life’s challenges. This includes working to prevent youth homelessness, offering emotional wellbeing support and providing positive activities for young people with limited opportunities. 

Your Own Place – navigating through COVID-19

Your Own Place CIC is a social enterprise that helps people towards living independently. CEO Rebecca White is passionate about helping young people and those facing barriers not of their own making. Rebecca shaes her thoughts on the need for collaboration, team wellbeing, and digital innovation in adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Leeway - protecting the vulnerable during lockdown and beyond

CAN’s research into the state of the VCSE sector across Norfolk during the COVID-19 pandemic has been building a comprehensive analysis of information needed for future sector planning. It also reflects the resilience which many charities and voluntary organisations have shown in adapting to delivering their services at this time. Leeway, operating across all of Norfolk and part of Suffolk, is one such.

Take the Shorter Shower Challenge with Anglian Water

CAN is helping promote Anglian Water’s ‘Love Every Drop’ campaign, aimed at encouraging us to cut back on our use of water in our homes.


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