Everyone in the VCSE community should[JC1] [SN2] be aware of the need for vigilance and protecting the vulnerable – and understand the requirements and implications of safeguarding. Every VCSE organisation delivering charitable activities has a duty to safeguard volunteers, staff, hirers, adults, children and young people, participants and donors.
We feature regular articles here about how VCSE organisations across Norfolk have been adapting to, and coping with, the demands and constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The organisers of activities and events are responsible for ensuring people’s safety and wellbeing during their time there, but it doesn’t mean the village hall volunteers and staff are absolved from responsibility. it’s helpful to have a closer look at why it’s especially important for hall committees to have the right policies and procedures in place.
Your Own Place CIC is a social enterprise that helps people towards living independently. CEO Rebecca White is passionate about helping young people and those facing barriers not of their own making. Rebecca shaes her thoughts on the need for collaboration, team wellbeing, and digital innovation in adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Matthew Project would shut their offices on the 18th March, switching immediately to offer services remotely, through the phone, online groups, and doing door-step visits when a welfare concern was raised as the Police were unable to do this due to capacity limitations.
CAN’s research into the state of the VCSE sector across Norfolk during the COVID-19 pandemic has been building a comprehensive analysis of information needed for future sector planning. It also reflects the resilience which many charities and voluntary organisations have shown in adapting to delivering their services at this time. Leeway, operating across all of Norfolk and part of Suffolk, is one such.
Employees and volunteers from any sector that have concerns about how their organisation is dealing with cases of child abuse are able to report their concerns to a helpline serviced by the NSPCC.