
Knowledge Base

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Digital Support Available in Norfolk

Our  Referrers' Network Meetings are held biannually in North Norfolk and Breckland. During our September 2024 meeting, attendees requested that we compile a comprehensive list of digital services available in Norfolk for individuals who may be struggling to access the internet or require additional assistance in getting online. 

A banking blackout for charities? Why a collective voice is important

Nationally it appears that tighter banking restrictions coupled with a sustained period of financial inactivity due to the pandemic has led to a change in banking practice in relation to charity banking services provided to VCSE groups and organisations. 

Looking for work during and after COVID

The VCSE sector has inevitably suffered its share of cutbacks during the pandemic in terms of loss of income and consequent pressure on staffing levels. But there’s hope – and support – for those having to seek fresh fields in 2021. If you, your colleagues or your service users are having to find new employment there are avenues of help available. 

Charities and political campaigning – what you need to know in advance of the local elections

With county and district council elections happening on 6th May 2021, now is a good time to take a close look at what VCSE sector organisations need to know about getting involved in political campaigning. 

Safeguarding – what we all need to know and do

Everyone in the VCSE community should [JC1] [SN2]  be aware of the need for vigilance and protecting the vulnerable – and understand the requirements and implications of safeguarding.  Every VCSE organisation delivering charitable activities has a duty to safeguard volunteers, staff, hirers, adults, children and young people, participants and donors.

Conflicts of interest - and how to deal with them

A problem that inevitably arises for charities of all types is conflict of interest. In this article we will look at being aware of it, how to avoid it, and how to resolve it when it happens. 

West Norfolk VCSE Hub - Collaboration and communication in action

The West Norfolk VCSE Hub provides an excellent mechanism for sharing best practice and opportunities for joined-up thinking. It was established to support discussions about key issues for the voluntary sector and public services in West Norfolk, the aim being to help the VCSE and other sectors work together to ensure that the people of West Norfolk get the best support and services possible. 

Charity Commission – compliance during Covid-19

Recently the team at the Charity Commission presented an online webinar answering a range of questions specifically for local infrastructure organisations and the charitable groups they work with. The webinar is still available to watch online – links are at the end of this article. 

Social Prescribing – healthy solutions in the community

CAN’s work in organising and delivering Social prescribing in Breckland and West Norfolk has reached more than 1,600 people since its inception, and garnered recognition as a finalist at 2019’s International Social Prescribing Awards.  Every individual has their own story in finding their way forward.


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