To shape the new Library Strategy, which will guide the service for the next 5-10 years, and the Community Strategy, aimed at building resilient communities, your input is vital. Please consider participating in this survey to shape the new Library Strategy.
We want to hear from all our network members, subscribers and contacts first-hand about your organisation’s greatest challenges and priorities for the year ahead. What aspirations do you have for your organisation? What barriers are in your way? What support would help you to thrive?
We are trying to survey as many halls as possible to find out what their current needs are and future plans to help influence funding opportunities, resource development, and our support offer.
Are you over 65 or care for someone in that age range? If so, Healthwatch Norfolk is keen to hear from you if you have had recent experience of getting help from social services.
Since 2022, the Civil Society Group and partners have been working to improve bank account services for charities and voluntary organisations across the UK.
Please complete the survey to help them understand the challenges the sector is facing so that they can advocate on your behalf to the respective charity regulators, government, and the banking sector.
The deadline for completion is 12pm on Wednesday 15th May 2024.
Good digital connectivity will play an important part in ensuring the most rural and remote communities in the UK, which have typically not been able to benefit from improvements to their broadband services, are not left behind.