Our survey aims to examine the support landscape within West Norfolk and North Norfolk. Its goal is to enhance understanding of the strengths, challenges, and opportunities for the VCSE sector.
In recent months voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations have joined up with statutory sector partners to move forward the Norfolk Vision for Volunteering, which was launched last November. Our first tasks are to develop a better understanding of local volunteering and volunteer training so that we can develop initiatives that will benefit all organisations and draw down resources that support volunteering in Norfolk and Waveney to grow and flourish.
A problem that inevitably arises for charities of all types is conflict of interest. In this article we will look at being aware of it, how to avoid it, and how to resolve it when it happens.
New legislation comes into effect on Friday 1st April that places a duty on local authorities to create a register of people who have expressed an interest in self-build and custom build projects.