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The Benjamin Foundation: supporting young people through life – and Covid

The Benjamin Foundation is well known across Norfolk and Suffolk for its sterling work in bringing hope, opportunity, stability and independence to children, young people and families experiencing life’s challenges. This includes working to prevent youth homelessness, offering emotional wellbeing support and providing positive activities for young people with limited opportunities. 

Charities and VAT - a complex area

It may be stating the obvious to say that the issue of charities and their tax liabilities is not straightforward.  This article gives an overview of what charities need to understand as part of their VAT liabilities.

Your Own Place – navigating through COVID-19

Your Own Place CIC is a social enterprise that helps people towards living independently. CEO Rebecca White is passionate about helping young people and those facing barriers not of their own making. Rebecca shaes her thoughts on the need for collaboration, team wellbeing, and digital innovation in adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Charity Commission – compliance during Covid-19

Recently the team at the Charity Commission presented an online webinar answering a range of questions specifically for local infrastructure organisations and the charitable groups they work with. The webinar is still available to watch online – links are at the end of this article. 

Anglian Water - Loving every drop

CAN has long been very active in promoting Anglian Water’s ‘Keep It Clear’ initiative, aimed at encouraging the public to dispose of waste water and materiel in the correct and safest way. Busy appearing at fetes, festivals and fun days all across Norfolk, we invited people to think about how we are all responsible for keeping our sewage systems clear and efficient. 

Social Investment - options for income generation now and beyond COVID-19

The VCSE sector is hard-pushed financially because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. In previous articles we have looked at how the financial challenges require many of us to explore new ways of fund-raising and generating income – and perhaps turn those challenges into opportunities. In this article we will be exploring an option new to many – Social Investment. 

Arts and culture in Norfolk – sector resilience and COVID-19

The Arts and Culture sector is an important element in the VCSE fraternity, in the context of community engagement and outreach, and addressing local health issues such as social isolation and loneliness. Natalie Jode, Executive Director at Creative Arts East, has seen the impact of the pandemic on operational capability and capacity across the county.

Love Every Drop - saving water in our communities

More than 97% of the world’s water is too salty to drink. Another 2% is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves less than 1% for us – for drinking, washing, watering our gardens, for agriculture, for industry. Following Anglian Water’s ‘Keep It Clear’ campaign, encouraging the public to dispose of wastewater and material safely, we are now helping with their ‘Love Every Drop’ campaign. 

Take the Shorter Shower Challenge with Anglian Water

CAN is helping promote Anglian Water’s ‘Love Every Drop’ campaign, aimed at encouraging us to cut back on our use of water in our homes.

Rural Housing Week and Community-Led Housing

Affordable housing is at the heart of helping rural communities thrive and survive.  In this, Rural Housing Week, we are looking at why affordable housing is needed and why it’s important for residents to be involved.


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