More than 97% of the world’s water is too salty to drink. Another 2% is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves less than 1% for us – for drinking, washing, watering our gardens, for agriculture, for industry. Following Anglian Water’s ‘Keep It Clear’ campaign, encouraging the public to dispose of wastewater and material safely, we are now helping with their ‘Love Every Drop’ campaign.
The demand for water is becoming greater, as the number of households increases and as winters become drier and summers hotter. We all need to ‘Love Every Drop’ and save water where we can. If everyone makes small changes at home or work, together we can all make a real difference.
As Anglian Water puts it - we’re all in it together.
Anglian Water domestic customers use an average of 136 litres of water a day. A lot of this is wasted through inefficient appliances, dripping taps, leaky loos, and excessive uses of water. To keep the taps flowing and protect the environment we need everyone to use 128 litres or less per day by 2025. So, using 22 litres less each day is the target.
‘Love Every Drop’ encourages consumers to save water in their houses, gardens and workplaces communities through water-saving top tips. Small adjustments, such as turning the tap off when you brush your teeth in the morning, and shortening your shower by 1 minute, can save up to 27 litres of water. That’s enough for 80 cups of tea each - a simple saving we can all make. Think how much water and money could be saved if everyone in your house, street and community did this, every day?
And gardeners can do their part too by using water butts to collect precious rainfall rather than use a hosepipe.
We all need to do everything we can to save water for ourselves, our neighbours and our local environment.
Find out more about these and more here.
Love every drop. Put water at the heart of a whole new way of living. Take part at a tap near you.