
Take the pledge! Save 2,021 litres of water of water in 2021

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Here at CAN we work closely with Anglian Water on their ‘Love Every Drop’ water conservation campaign. It’s essential to making our communities in Norfolk sustainable for the future. 

As part of this, Waterwise, the national body that promotes water saving good practice, is asking everyone to sign up to their ‘Save 2021 litres in 2021’ pledge. 

2,021 litres may sound like a lot, but Waterwise says we could actually save that much water in just one month. And it doesn’t mean avoiding showers or not doing your laundry! 

When you join the campaign you’ll receive, every day, a short email with a water challenge. These simple challenges will range from having a meat-free day to timing your shower. The aim is to provide you with easy-to-implement tips, which will help you  

  • save a lot of water 
  • protect the environment 
  • combat climate change and  
  • become well-informed and mindful about water.  


Are you ready to join Waterwise and save 2021 litres this year? 

You can join at any time. After you sign up you’ll receive a welcome email and then the sequence will begin that day, and the challenge lasts 28 days.  Try it now here.

Waterwise are asking everyone to share their experiences throughout the campaign and let them know your thoughts. Within every email there’ll be a button that will allow you to post directly to Twitter. You can change the text as you see fit, but Waterwise asks that you remember to include the hashtags #pledge2021 and #waterwise, so that they can find and re-post your content. If you use  the hashtag #ISaveWaterBecause on Twitter, Waterwise will monitor and include your responses here.   

Why water conservation is important 

The impact of water scarcity on people, the environment and the economy is already being seen right across the UK. Climate change and population growth are increasing pressure on water resources nationally, and research (Water UK, 2016) has shown that drought will affect all areas of the UK in coming years. Waterwise helps communities, businesses and governments to understand the value of water and use it wisely so that we have enough now and in the future.  

What is Waterwise? 

As the independent experts, Waterwise supports and challenges everyone to aim higher on water efficiency – whether that’s government, regulators, the water industry, or people and businesses. Waterwise’s role is to innovate, to develop and test new ideas, to bring partners together for change and to help demonstrate practical water efficiency actions. The organsiation works at all levels – from changing the law to encouraging sector leaders to be more ambitious to supporting delivery teams through research and ideas. 

Waterwise drives the policy and regulatory agenda across the UK to enable ambitious and innovative water efficiency. They guide, steer and respond to government and regulatory developments across the UK. Often there is no ‘ownership’ of water efficiency issues and Waterwise provides the interface between government, regulators, water companies, social enterprises and others. 

Find out more about Anglian Water’s ‘Love Every Drop’ campaign here.