
Community Organisations

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Referrers' Network Meetings

As part of our advocacy efforts for the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector in 2022 we identified a need for referrers to voice their concerns and share professional insights.  To address this gap, we initiated Referrers' Network Meetings quarterly in Breckland and North Norfolk.

A banking blackout for charities? Why a collective voice is important

Nationally it appears that tighter banking restrictions coupled with a sustained period of financial inactivity due to the pandemic has led to a change in banking practice in relation to charity banking services provided to VCSE groups and organisations. 

Energy prices and charities

Community Action Norfolk are becoming more concerned with the energy price rise and the impact it is having on not only individuals, but on charities and village halls. That is why we are launching a campaign to raise awareness of the issue and to advocate for change.  

CANConnect - Combating social isolation and loneliness in Breckland and North Norfolk

CAN is working in partnership with Future Projects in combating social isolation in the Breckland and North Norfolk districts of the county.  We'd be grateful if those reading this and living or working in Breckland or North Norfolk could share this information - especially to anyone you know who may be interested in volunteering. Thank you.

Charities and community organisations – closing down vs other options: Part 2 - Ashwellthorpe

This is Part 2 of last week's article about other options when Charities and Community Organisations might be considering closing down.  You can read Part 1 here.

Charities and community organisations – closing down vs other options: Part 1

More than 60 per-cent of community groups across England and Wales have been forced to reduce their services or close completely because of the pandemic, whilst two-thirds say need has increased in their communities. Closure can, however, be a positive move however, often arising from positive circumstances. And there are often other options. 

The Rainbow Art Making Club - wellbeing for children

Inspired by the experience of shielding as the pandemic hit, the Rainbow Art Making Club was set up by two Thorpe St Andrew mums to help promote wellbeing, celebrate kindness and connect people in the community. 

Cromer & District Foodbank – meeting the need before, during and after COVID-19

Cromer & District Foodbank has been up and running since 2012, so dealing with people’s individual crises is not new to the team, and they were well-experienced and equipped to deal with Covid-19 when it hit.

A heart for the community – Connecting Bowthorpe

Connecting Bowthorpe is a collective of community volunteers from several organisations within Bowthorpe, all with extensive experience of community work and a real vision for the area, and with a long-term commitment to the residents of Bowthorpe. 

Our Covid work with Good Neighbour Schemes & Mutual Aid

Over the weekend of the 14th March 2020, we saw several hundred Norfolk communities create new Mutual Aid Groups in response to the pandemic's effect on their communities.


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