
Community Organisations

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Know your trustees: Custodian Trustees

Many charities, keen to resume their activities and functions as effectively as possible, are planning ahead for cautious resumption of service delivery as the Coronavirus lockdown eases.  Here at CAN we are receiving a steady stream of enquiries from trustees for whom the situation has prompted some uncertainty about their precise roles as trustees. ‘Trustee’ is often seen as a generic word – but It’s not.

Adapting to the pandemic – The Matthew Project

We have in recent weeks featured encouraging examples of how VCSE organisations have adapted and responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. And it is apparent that the voluntary sector, though hard-pressed at times, has proved to be remarkably resilient in changing service delivery to meet clients’ needs.

Rural Housing Week and Community-Led Housing

Affordable housing is at the heart of helping rural communities thrive and survive.  In this, Rural Housing Week, we are looking at why affordable housing is needed and why it’s important for residents to be involved.

Returning to public fundraising: new guidance from the Fundraising Regulator and Chartered Institute of Fundraising

The Fundraising Regulator and Chartered Institute of Fundraising have recently published two new items of guidance to help charities’ fundraising.

Charities making donations to other VCSE organisations. Can we do that?

Many charities across Norfolk have recently received donations in response to the pandemic.  We have received several enquiries from trustees asking if they can make donations to help community support groups and local charities which are helping vulnerable local people through the Coronavirus crisis. 

Saving water: the forecast is less rain, more people

East Anglia is one of the driest regions of the UK, receiving about one-third less rainfall than the average for the rest of England; we actually get less rain than some areas of Spain! Here at CAN we help promote Anglian Water's awareness-raising campaigns.

Helping Hands in Thorpe

Volunteers have been flocking to help vulnerable residents in the in Thorpe Hamlet and Thorpe St Andrew areas of Norwich. 

One less lonely voice is a triumph – combatting social isolation

Loneliness Awareness Week (15th to 19th June) is highlighting one of the great social scourges of our modern society.  Community Action Norfolk is at the forefront of combating social isolation across our county, with a range of projects encouraging and enabling individuals to become involved in activities in their local communities.  

Communicating with your service users in time of change

One of the strengths of the voluntary sector is the way it adapts and transforms to stay relevant and engaging. Keeping your service users or clients informed and engaged is crucial, and never more so than in a time of change. For all VCSE organisations whose main activity is direct delivery to service users a major concern is maintaining contact with, and support to, their vulnerable clients.  

Volunteers’ Week 1st-7th June - a celebration of caring communities

This week (Monday 1st to Sunday 7th June) is Volunteers’ Week (link). celebrating the time, skills, experience and goodwill given by people up and down the UK.   


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