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Election candidates urged to commit to fairer rural policies

 The Rural Coalition is calling on prospective Parliamentary Candidates and their political parties to commit to delivering fairer funding for rural areas following the election on 12 December.

Annual Report Guidance for Small Charities - Available Now

Charities (Except Charitable Incorporated Organisations) with an income of less than £25,000 do not have to file annual report and accounts with the Charity Commission (although they are still required to complete an Annual Return), but should be prepared to make these available if requested. 

Registering with the Fundraising Register

The Fundraising Regulator has been established following the Etherington review of fundraising self-regulation in 2015, as the independent regulator of charitable fundraising.

DIY Committee Guide - A useful resource for governance guidance

The DIY Committee Guide website has been relaunched, and includes a new version of the Code of Good Governance 

Charities and Reputation - Some Guidance

Voluntary sector activity is based upon trustworthiness, reliability, integrity and goodwill, and the value of a strong reputation should not be underestimated. Your public image influences partnership and contract prospects, campaigning, donation levels and the ability to attract volunteers.  Charities need to be aware that almost every activity carries reputational risk, whether that’s responding to an increased demand for services or a changing operating environment.

Re-imagining Norfolk - Community Action Norfolk's consultation response

Community Action Norfolk's consultation response to the Norfolk County Council Re-imagining Norfolk consultation process

Annual Leave

The result of a recent case has made a definitive stance on time limit that an employee on sick leave must use their annual leave by when it is carried over into a new year.


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