Action Fraud, the Charity Commission and the Fundraising Regulator are warning the public to remain vigilant when making charitable donations this Christmas. Whilst the warning is directed to the giving public, it’s important for VCSE organisations themselves to understand the implications of potential impersonation fraud.
There are definite benefits to registering as a charity, not least of which is credibility when applying to potential funders. Making your case to the Charity Commission needs to be done in an organised and planned way.
The organisers of activities and events are responsible for ensuring people’s safety and wellbeing during their time there, but it doesn’t mean the village hall volunteers and staff are absolved from responsibility. it’s helpful to have a closer look at why it’s especially important for hall committees to have the right policies and procedures in place.
It may be stating the obvious to say that the issue of charities and their tax liabilities is not straightforward. This article gives an overview of what charities need to understand as part of their VAT liabilities.
A problem that inevitably arises for charities of all types is conflict of interest. In this article we will look at being aware of it, how to avoid it, and how to resolve it when it happens.
Recently the team at the Charity Commission presented an online webinar answering a range of questions specifically for local infrastructure organisations and the charitable groups they work with. The webinar is still available to watch online – links are at the end of this article.
The VCSE sector is hard-pushed financially because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. In previous articles we have looked at how the financial challenges require many of us to explore new ways of fund-raising and generating income – and perhaps turn those challenges into opportunities. In this article we will be exploring an option new to many – Social Investment.
We regularly receive enquiries from people who are uncertain about their roles and responsibilities as trustees. This is the fourth and final article in our series explaining the lines of demarcation between the roles of the different types of trustee, explaining what they are and are not empowered to do.