
Information, advice and guidance

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Click here to read information on the status of Community Action Norfolk's Services. As well as links to other information and advice
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Rural Housing Week and Community-Led Housing

Affordable housing is at the heart of helping rural communities thrive and survive.  In this, Rural Housing Week, we are looking at why affordable housing is needed and why it’s important for residents to be involved.

Charities making donations to other VCSE organisations. Can we do that?

Many charities across Norfolk have recently received donations in response to the pandemic.  We have received several enquiries from trustees asking if they can make donations to help community support groups and local charities which are helping vulnerable local people through the Coronavirus crisis. 

Saving water: the forecast is less rain, more people

East Anglia is one of the driest regions of the UK, receiving about one-third less rainfall than the average for the rest of England; we actually get less rain than some areas of Spain! Here at CAN we help promote Anglian Water's awareness-raising campaigns.

Helping Hands in Thorpe

Volunteers have been flocking to help vulnerable residents in the in Thorpe Hamlet and Thorpe St Andrew areas of Norwich. 

Planning a funding strategy

Finding funding to carry out your VCSE organisation’s activities can be stressful - because It’s crucial to your organisation's ability to deliver its services.  But a proper funding strategy will help secure the income needed to run your organisation now and in the future.

Running an effective 'virtual' meeting

Working from home under lockdown has become the ‘new normal’ for many voluntary and community organisations. Many of us are now learning to meet via video-link, and it brings new challenges in running an effective meeting!

Resource: Evaluating your impact during a crisis

Inspiring Impact have share resources and case studies to help organisations to evaluate their work during the crisis. 

VCSE Contingency Planning

During the Covid 19 Pandemic, contingency planning was a key concern for a lot of voluntary sector organisations. It's something all groups should plan for - even now that the pandemic is over.  

Contingency planning, business continuity planning or organisational resilience planning is the process by which an organisation identifies risks that may impact its operations and develops plans to mitigate them both in terms of reducing their likelihood of happening and responding to their effects. In general:

Community Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic

There is a great tradition of the community coming together in times of crisis. We are starting to see a number of community initiatives emerge or be talked about in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a fantastic statement on the caring nature of our communities.

The end of the financial year approaches… how are your finances?

It isn’t easy to manage finances in small VCSE organisations. Few can afford a dedicated finance director, so some useful guidance might not go amiss.


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