
Information, advice and guidance

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Click here to read information on the status of Community Action Norfolk's Services. As well as links to other information and advice
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'Love Every Drop' - reducing water usage to protect out futures

Anglian Water is asking us all to use less water – and for very good reasons. All of us, as consumers, can play our part.

Thinking about providing an electric vehicle charging point?

We know many organisations are thinking about hosting an electric vehicle charging point - not only for their staff, volunteers, and service users, but also for the wider community.  We are all for initiatives that make our communities greener - and particularly in rural areas of Norfolk, that help to sustain our rural communities. That being said, charity Trustees need to think long and hard about how they go about this.  

Mental health Awareness and wellbeing in the VCSE workplace

It’s Mental health Awareness Week this week, 10th – 16th May, which is a good time to reflect on the importance of wellbeing in the workplace.  

Looking for work during and after COVID

The VCSE sector has inevitably suffered its share of cutbacks during the pandemic in terms of loss of income and consequent pressure on staffing levels. But there’s hope – and support – for those having to seek fresh fields in 2021. If you, your colleagues or your service users are having to find new employment there are avenues of help available. 

Charities and political campaigning – what you need to know in advance of the local elections

With county and district council elections happening on 6th May 2021, now is a good time to take a close look at what VCSE sector organisations need to know about getting involved in political campaigning. 

Support for carers to attend COVID-19 vaccinations

Carers, and those dependent upon them, face many additional difficulties and obstacles during the pandemic. Specialist support organisations across Norfolk have responded to the need as follows. Please help spread the word as appropriate. 

Safeguarding – what we all need to know and do

Everyone in the VCSE community should[JC1] [SN2]  be aware of the need for vigilance and protecting the vulnerable – and understand the requirements and implications of safeguarding.  Every VCSE organisation delivering charitable activities has a duty to safeguard volunteers, staff, hirers, adults, children and young people, participants and donors.


Use ‘features and benefits’ to communicate your impact

Knowing the difference you make is absolutely critical for voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations of all types.  ‘Feature - benefit’ statements can be a helpful way to communicate it.

For charities, using your resources in the best way possible to help your beneficiaries is a core governance requirement. Understanding how you are benefiting them, and the scale of that benefit is a key component of doing this.

The 2021 Census – and why it’s important for the VCSE sector

The UK’s Census takes place on Sunday 21st March.  It’s a snapshot of everyone in the UK, all on one day.  

NHS Complaints Advocacy – resolving concerns about medical treatment received

Our National Health Service is still rated best in the developed world for safety, affordability and efficiency, according to the US-based Commonwealth Fund. But very occasionally – and it’s around one-tenth of one per-cent of all patient cases - something goes wrong and need resolving.


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