
News Articles

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The story so far - what Community Action Norfolk has achieved

Community Action Norfolk was born on the 1st April 2015 Since then we’ve worked on more than 200 cases of providing practical support to local organisations

Fuel Poverty and Thinking Fuel

Fuel Poverty, keeping warm and well, and Thinking Fuel.  A household is in fuel poverty if it is on a low income and faces high costs of keeping adequately warm and paying for basic energy services.

What good is fast broadband if you can’t get it where you live or work? Think ThinkingWISP!

What good is fast broadband if you can’t get it where you live or work? Think ThinkingWISP!

The VCSE sector in Norfolk

The voluntary, community and social enterprise sector is wide and varied and does so much good work, making Norfolk a stronger, fairer place in which to live and work.

The Government's Sport Strategy

The Government has released their latest sport strategy "Sporting Future: A new Strategy for an Active Nation".  

Sector-Led Plan: You Said, We Did

Throughout our engagement around the Sector-Led Plan, there were some messages that we heard time and again. Work to implement the actions from the Plan continues, but here are some of the ways we have responded so far.

Annual Leave

The result of a recent case has made a definitive stance on time limit that an employee on sick leave must use their annual leave by when it is carried over into a new year.

Preserving Place

Understanding local history and heritage is, and always has been, important to communities. The aim of Preserving Place is to investigate how community groups undertake heritage research – and help them do just that.


Appleseed Care Farm Case Study

The Appleseed Care Farm has been set up in Wymondham to offer people with mental health and social care needs, suffering with anxiety and depression, job seekers, ex-offenders and those living in sheltered housing a chance to boost their health, happiness and well-being. Norfolk RCC helped with funding research and advice after the project almost stalled  at an early stage.

Marlingford Village Hall Case Study

This is a case study of our work. The situations and people mentioned may have changed since this article was published.

Marlingford Village Hall approached Community Action Norfolk for support with accessing funding and developing their extension and refurbishment project.  Community Action Norfolk always operates a holistic approach to queries and identified some governance concerns that would be identified by potential funders. 


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