The Charity Finance Group has launched the results of its Finance Counts 2016 report. A notable finding is that charities are struggling to generate income from public service agreements and contracts, with many charities making significant losses on contracts.
Even though the county has some of the lowest rainfall in Britain, 42,500 homes in Norfolk are estimated to be at risk from flooding. And we know that coastal erosion threatens the very existence of some homes. How resilient is your community to these threats and others?
A person resident in Norfolk, or who is a non-domestic ratepayer in Norfolk, or who pays Council Tax in Norfolk may ask at an ordinary meeting of a Service Committee through the Chairman any question within the terms of reference of the Committee about a matter for which the council has a responsibility or particularly affects the County.
Employees and volunteers from any sector that have concerns about how their organisation is dealing with cases of child abuse are able to report their concerns to a helpline serviced by the NSPCC.
New legislation comes into effect on Friday 1st April that places a duty on local authorities to create a register of people who have expressed an interest in self-build and custom build projects.
NCVO's Blog has shared an article outlining their reaction to the government's proposal to insert a clause into major grant agreements preventing the money from being used for lobbying.