A conflict of interest arises when a person involved in decision-making for an organisation has competing personal, professional, or financial interests that could influence, or appear to influence, their decisions.
On average someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer every 90 seconds and an average of 460 people die from the disease every day. So what can we do to slow the effect of this devastating disease.
Increasing the supply of affordable housing is a central part of the Government’s desire to drive growth in the economy but will it reach us here in rural Norfolk?
Village Halls play an essential role in communities, yet they often struggle with financial pressures. The story of Potter Heigham Village Hall is a testament to the impact of persistence when dealing with utility billing issues and the savings that can result when groups advocate for themselves.
With the Autumn Budget finally announced, many in the voluntary and community sector are looking closely at how these updates will affect the work they do and the people they serve, especially in rural communities. This year’s budget brings with it some new funding initiatives, but also a few challenges, particularly for voluntary sector organisations, already stretched thin by rising costs and demand.
We’re delivering free advice and awareness sessions for consumers, where you can find out how to be more energy efficient by making small changes in the home, and where you can get additional support.
Did you know 70% of shoppers will do their Christmas shopping online this year. And did you know this shopping can easily turn into funding for your organisation?