Many organisations have absence management policies, the law states that provisions, criterions or practices, must be reasonably adjusted to ensure disabled workers are not disadvantaged compared to non-disabled workers.
Big Lottery Fund in partnership with the Cabinet Office have developed a website that can provide charities, community groups and social enterprises with free personalised reports on how to improve their performance and sustainability.
The 'East Anglia' Devolution Agreement was published by the treasury in March 2016 and signed by 22 of the 23 council leaders in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. It outlines how the new combined authority will work and the powers of the new directly elected mayor.
NHS England requires that local NHS produce two separate but connected plans:
A five year Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP), which drives the Five Year Forward View and is place-based
A one year Operational Plan for 2016/17, which is organisation-based but consistent with the above mentioned emerging STP
CAN is currently working to ensure that these plans will incorporate effective engagement with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and will circulate more information, when it becomes available.
You can read more about current progress, as well as see the 'checkpoint' document which gives an indication of early thinking, on the Healthwatch Norfolk website here
To contact your local Clinical Commissioning Group please click here.
Fuel Poverty, keeping warm and well, and Thinking Fuel. A household is in fuel poverty if it is on a low income and faces high costs of keeping adequately warm and paying for basic energy services.