Assets come in many guises, land, buildings, people, skills, income. At Community Action Norfolk we understand how important your assets are and the need to get the most from them.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received from the NHS, the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service can help. The complaints process is a way of helping you resolve issues you have faced, and is also important in helping us improve the NHS care in Norfolk.
Working with other groups and organisations can bring huge benefits to all involved. The development and management of these relationships can also sometimes bring its own challenges! Community Action Norfolk can work through these alongside you.
Community Action Norfolk provides regular training to help you carry out regular checks. The training will take you through the relevant legislation, show you what is covered in an annual inspection and help you to identify common issues and problems.
Strategic planning is an important tool to help improve your effectiveness as an organisation. It can be particularly useful at times of uncertainty and change, whether internal or external. We can help you develop yours.
Community Action Norfolk offer a range of training and support packages to suit the diverse organisations in Norfolk’s voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.
The Relief Charity Housing Project seeks to support charities with land assets looking at housing development, community use, land swap or Community Land Trusts (CLTs).