
Transport & Connectivity

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Rural support groups disappointed by government’s response to House of Lords’ recommendations on rural strategies

The government has responded less than positively to many of the well-reasoned recommendations made in the House of Lords’ recent report on rural strategies, according to national charity Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE). 

Fast broadband needed? There’s a 21st century answer right here in Norfolk

Around 92% of locations across Norfolk can receive fast broadband. That’s around 24 Mbps. And Better Broadband for Norfolk is working hard to increase that figure. You can check broadband availability in your area at  www.betterbroadbandnorfolk.co.uk.  That’s if you can get broadband in the first place of course…

With ThinkingWISP you don't have to wait for broadband to come to your door!

Government minister promises superfast broadband for rural Norfolk homes by 2020 - but with ThinkingWISP you don't have to wait two years.

The importance of community transport

For many people, community transport is their only means of getting to and from a medical appointment. It plays an important part in tackling social isolation, maintaining well-being and enabling people to access health services.

In case of emergency - Community Resilience Plans

Even though the county has some of the lowest rainfall in Britain, 42,500 homes in Norfolk are estimated to be at risk from flooding.  And we know that coastal erosion threatens the very existence of some homes.  How resilient is your community to these threats and others?

Understanding Devolution in Norfolk

The 'East Anglia' Devolution Agreement was published by the treasury in March 2016 and signed by 22 of the 23 council leaders in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. It outlines how the new combined authority will work and the powers of the new directly elected mayor.

The Norfolk Community Directory

The Norfolk Community Directory contains activities, services and events to help all Norfolk residents live healthy, active and fulfilling lives.

Re-imagining Norfolk - Community Action Norfolk's consultation response

Community Action Norfolk's consultation response to the Norfolk County Council Re-imagining Norfolk consultation process

Transport in the community

Community transport plays an important part in tackling social isolation, maintaining well-being and enabling people to access health services.

ThinkingWISP - now available in West Norfolk!

Struggling with slow broadband? ThinkingWISP wireless internet - which is now available in West Norfolk can help you get fast, local broadband.


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