We receive a steady stream of enquiries from people expressing uncertainty about their roles and responsibilities as trustees. This is the third in our series of articles explaining the lines of demarcation are between what trustees are and are not empowered to do.
Just to re-cap, there are four types of trustee, each with a specific range of functions and responsibilities.
This time we’re looking at Holding Trustees. And you are always welcome to talk to one of our experienced Community Development Officers for a one-to-one explanation. You can contact us on 01362 698216 or by emailing office@communityactionnorfok.org.uk.
Holding trustees are similar to Custodian Trustees. Key points to remember are
They can be some of the Managing Trustees or other individuals connected to the charity.
Unless the governing document expressedly states otherwise, the sole function of Holding Trustees is to hold the title to all or part of the property of a charity. They play no part in the management of the charity (unless the governing document clearly states otherwise). They must act only on instruction from the Managing Trustees - unless carrying out that instruction would entail a breach of trust. Providing they adhere to this, they will not be liable for the actions of the administrative trustees.
Some governing documents may give the Holding Trustees additional responsibilities. It is therefore important to check out the governing document closely. Individuals appointed to be Holding Trustees will need to be replaced from time to time as, for example, when the they resign, retire, or die. Unless it is forbidden by the Governing Document, there is no legal restriction from appointing Hold Trustees as Managing Trustees, but it is not best practice to do so as often the roles become blurred.
No. Just like Custodian Trustees, they hold the titles on behalf of the charity. Unlike a Custodian Trustee, however, the charity will need to change the title deeds whenever a Holding Trustee steps down or dies.
There are pros and cons to each.
It depends, once again, on their governing document.
All Holding Trustees must – just like the Custodian Trustees - hold the charity’s documents and make them available to the charity when required. This is the full remit of involvement for some, whilst for others the governing document might see them appointed as Managing Trustees or holding a specific role. If a Holding Trustee is also a Managing Trustee the roles are separate. Their duty as Managing Trustee is to act in the best interest of the charity and to further its purpose, regardless of other interests. Their appointment as Holding Trustee is separate. If – in accord with the governing document - the Holding Trustee has no role in the managing of the charity, then they have no role in the management of the charity – and this means they cannot make decisions about the charity and have no say in its operations.
Talk to us! Our Community Development Officers are highly experienced and skilled in advising on the finer points of Trustee roles and responsibilities. Call us on 01362 698216 or email office@communityactionnorfolk.org.uk