

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Click here to read information on the status of Community Action Norfolk's Services. As well as links to other information and advice
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Effective consultation

Effective forms of consultation at the right time (hopefully will be addressed by this new process)

Transport costly for local people

Transport - costly for local people 

Lack of funding for community groups

Lack of funding for community groups. 

eg. too much time chasing grants

eg. lack of Trusts willing to fund core costs/staffing

eg. statutory sector offloading clients onto voluntary sector without funding

eg lack of clarity on who CCG decision makers are regarding funding

eg. CCG moving funding goalposts

eg. rural communities smaller numbers of people 

Idea - central commercial contract team for voluntary sector

Idea - central commercial contract team available to voluntary sector to provide expertise for tenders. 

Affordability of services

Affordability of services - being able to provide social leisure and learning activities at an affordable price for people on low or no incomes. 

Partnership opportunities

Partnership opportunities - access and networking to find potential partners to deliver more cost effective services. 

Early intervention

Need for early intervention for people with eating disorders so they do not become entrenched. 

Keeping service users safe

Keeping service users safe - waiting times to a minimum. 

Pathways for service users

Best possible pathway for service users - working together with NHS and other supporting charities. 

Marketing and PR

Marketing and PR - opportunities; skills and resources to positively promote the organisation to increase investment. 


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