

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Click here to read information on the status of Community Action Norfolk's Services. As well as links to other information and advice
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Less use of high level consultation to squash projects that may be politically incorrect as far as NCC is concerned. 

Funding for specific projects

Funding for specific projects ie transport / building extensions

Hearing loop for deaf people

Equipment for deaf people at public meetings loop system. 

Volunteering - young people

How can we encourage young people to take on voluntary positions in the village. 

Lack of volunteers

Lack of volunteers. And keeping them!!! When you've got them! 

Many services will not work with higher needs

Many services will not work with higher needs/higher risk vulnerabilities, but they don't meet statutory criteria. Putting individuals and communities at risk of harm. 

Withdrawal of partner agencies

Withdrawal of partner agencies particularly social services/mental health

Statutory services only work with substantial needs

Statutory services only work with critical/substantial clients. Many vulnerable people do not seem to meet this criteria. Funding cuts and reduced non-statutory services mean there is nowhere for those people to go. 

Increasing gap in service provision

Increasing gap in service provision as services are cut or commissioned more strictly. 

Access to funding

Access to funding


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