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Smart meters - helping consumers save on energy bills

A smart meter enables you to see how much energy you're using, as you use it, and how much it's costing you. 

5 problems with broadband and mobile coverage in rural areas - MPs speak out

MPs on the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee have highlighted the impact poor broadband and mobile continues to have on rural communities and businesses.

Free ATMs essential for rural and small town communities

Free-to-use ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) have been disappearing from rural communities and small towns for some time, along with bank branches moving out.

Rural support groups disappointed by government’s response to House of Lords’ recommendations on rural strategies

The government has responded less than positively to many of the well-reasoned recommendations made in the House of Lords’ recent report on rural strategies, according to national charity Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE). 

Fast broadband needed? There’s a 21st century answer right here in Norfolk

Around 92% of locations across Norfolk can receive fast broadband. That’s around 24 Mbps. And Better Broadband for Norfolk is working hard to increase that figure. You can check broadband availability in your area at  www.betterbroadbandnorfolk.co.uk.  That’s if you can get broadband in the first place of course…

With ThinkingWISP you don't have to wait for broadband to come to your door!

Government minister promises superfast broadband for rural Norfolk homes by 2020 - but with ThinkingWISP you don't have to wait two years.

Community Development and Organisational Support

We know that being able to get help with accessing funding, strengthening your governance and developing new projects and initiatives is one of the priorities whenever we ask organisations about what they need from us.

Community Action Norfolk's Work to Reduce Fuel Poverty in Norfolk

Community Action Norfolk has been funded by British Gas Energy Trust’s Healthy Home Fund to support its work on fuel poverty in Norfolk.  

Tackling Fuel Poverty

Fuel poverty affects more than 4.5 million households in UK and more than 25,000 households in Norfolk.  It can be caused by numerous factors: low income, poor heating and insulation and unaffordable energy prices. It can severely impact on health and wellbeing and  contributes to excess winter deaths and rising NHS costs.



What good is fast broadband if you can’t get it where you live or work? Think ThinkingWISP!

What good is fast broadband if you can’t get it where you live or work? Think ThinkingWISP!


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