
Transport and Connectivity

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Rural isolation and partnership working

Work to address rural isolation but also rurally isolated when comes to partnership working. Orgs want to work county or district level - we work locally - 10 mile radius. 

Isolated young single adults

Isolated young single adults

Younger low income families

Younger low income families. Rural poverty - cost of travel - travel to shops. 

Older people rural isolation

Older people rural isolation

Transport costly for local people

Transport - costly for local people 

Partnership opportunities

Partnership opportunities - access and networking to find potential partners to deliver more cost effective services. 

Marketing and PR

Marketing and PR - opportunities; skills and resources to positively promote the organisation to increase investment. 

Access to information

Access to info - specific updates on law changes, policy changes that might affect our work. 


Support. Small charity,. Communication between service providers. 

Getting our message across

Getting our message across - using new technology


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