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Community Development and Organisational Support

We know that being able to get help with accessing funding, strengthening your governance and developing new projects and initiatives is one of the priorities whenever we ask organisations about what they need from us.

Community Led Planning

Community Led Housing is commonly used to describe homes that are developed and/or managed by local people or residents, in not for profit organisational structures. There are a range of models that can be adopted including self-help housing, Co-housing, co-operatives and tenant controlled housing, Community Land Trusts (CLTs).

NHS Health Advocacy in Norfolk

The NHS Complaints Advocacy service is free, confidential, and independent of the NHS and, in Norfolk, is provided by a partnership of Age UK Norfolk, Equal Lives, Community Action Norfolk and POhWER.  It’s free, independent and confidential.

In case of emergency - Community Resilience Plans

Even though the county has some of the lowest rainfall in Britain, 42,500 homes in Norfolk are estimated to be at risk from flooding.  And we know that coastal erosion threatens the very existence of some homes.  How resilient is your community to these threats and others?

Community Action Norfolk's Work to Reduce Fuel Poverty in Norfolk

Community Action Norfolk has been funded by British Gas Energy Trust’s Healthy Home Fund to support its work on fuel poverty in Norfolk.  

Tackling Fuel Poverty

Fuel poverty affects more than 4.5 million households in UK and more than 25,000 households in Norfolk.  It can be caused by numerous factors: low income, poor heating and insulation and unaffordable energy prices. It can severely impact on health and wellbeing and  contributes to excess winter deaths and rising NHS costs.



The Norfolk County Council Contract Register

Norfolk County Council have published their contract register, which lists the council’s contracts, purchase orders and grants (including grants to the voluntary sector).

The Norfolk Community Directory

The Norfolk Community Directory contains activities, services and events to help all Norfolk residents live healthy, active and fulfilling lives.

Transport in the community

Community transport plays an important part in tackling social isolation, maintaining well-being and enabling people to access health services.

Managing Your Resources

Assets come in many guises, land, buildings, people, skills, income.  At Community Action Norfolk we understand how important your assets are and the need to get the most from them. 


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