
Support for Networks

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Community Action Norfolk offers a range of support services for your forum or network, including administrative support, planning and communications. 

For Established Networks and Forums

We will support your forum or network with a tailored service.  We provide a support service, which can be tailored to your needs including

  • meeting planning and arrangement
  • minute taking
  • management of circulation lists
  • carrying out administrative actions on behalf of the network/forum
  • promotion of network / forum and / or its work
  • correspondence for the network / forum
  • representing the network / forum at other events
  • handling expenses for attendees
  • creating reports.

Our service can be requested on an as-needed basis or booked in advance to provide a longer term support service.  We can also help you with your document storage and archiving. 

For New Networks and Forums

Developing a new forum or network is hard. Our services can help you focus on what you are trying to achieve by providing support and guidance on the administration.

We can develop with you or provide advice on the production and presentation of papers such as agendas, minutes and action logs. 

We can provide an independent minute taker. This is a real advantage, as it means that everyone attending your network / forum is able to participate in the meeting without loss of quality in the note taking. Alternatively, we are also able to offer advice and guidance to those who are new to minute taking so that they are better equipped to fulfill their role.  

We can also provide Chairmanship training for those new to the role, and offer a full range of advice on Governance issues.  Alternatively we are able to provide factsheets outlining the roles and the responsibilities of the Chair and the Secretary.